We Can No Longer Work Hard Enough To Catch Up
Author: Len Merson
Date: April 5, 2010
Productivity Issues?
Stressing Out?
Chaos bound?
Spending your time trying to “catch up?
Are you operating under the antiquated illusion that the panacea is just a matter of working harder. If this is still a belief that you are maintaining, allow me to give you some sobering information-
If you’re coming into work at 7:00 A.M., why not come in at 5:00 A.M.? If you’re working until 7:00 P.M., why not stay until 9:00 or 10:00 P.M.? In fact, just bring a cot and pillow to the office and keep a photo of the family nearby so that you don’t forget what they look like.
We have passed the point of “working harder” in the pursuit of staying on top of our work. While software is something that we cannot live without, most folks are under the assumption that it’s just that next piece of software that will get them into a long sought after “proactive” mode.
Well, the bad news is that software alone will be never the cure-all. What is needed in not the added technology. The good news is that the answer lies in methodology. What is methodology? Methodology is dealing with the HUMAN SIDE of information management, teaching us methods that we have never been taught.
Just picture having ZERO E-MAILS in your In Box, Sent Box and Delete at the end of EACH AND EVERY DAY; just picture having all FILES…electronically-held and paper-based with INSTANT RETRIEVABILITY; just picture having FOLLOW-UP be where NOTHING (and I mean NOTHING), ever falls through the cracks; just picture never again WAKING UP AT 3:00 A.M. with thoughts such as “Harry never got back to me”; “I forgot to give Sally that report”. Just picture being HOME FOR DINNER with your family, on a regular basis, and getting more work completed than when you used to stay until 8:00 or 9:00 P.M.; Just picture your KIDS telling you that you’re more FUN to be with; Just picture your SPOUSE/’SIGNIFICANT OTHER’ telling you that you are MORE RELAXED than ever.
The hands-on, simple, real-world tools of the Living Chaos Free program will make this a reality for you as it has for over 78,000 people around the world.
Just picture…